When we hit our 30s we about lose 1 to 1.5 cc’s of volume in our faces every year. That volume in our skin is made of hyaluronic acid and collagen. Restylane is hyaluronic acid and it naturally restores the volume that is lost over time. Whether you are looking to maintain a youthful face or turn back the clock a few years, Restylane can deliver beautiful, natural results!
During the procedure we use ics packs and topical numbing cream to make the procedure more comfortable. Dr. Babcock then injects the medication into the wrinkle or depression. The results of beautiful skin are seen immediately. The product is slowly absorbed by your body so most patients repeat the treatment every 12-18 months. Some people experience bruising for 3-4 days after the procedure. You can greatly reduce your risk of bruising by stopping aspirin, ibuprofen, Aleve, fish oil and vitamins approximately two weeks prior to your appointment. Dr. Babcock can talk to you further about the use of Restylane in your rejuvenation plan. Please call (404) 835-3052 for an appointment.
Learn more at www.restylane.com